Wednesday, February 27, 2013


They will tell you to be realistic.  They will tell you to manage your expectations.  They will tell you to set reasonable goals.  Refuse treatment.  Remain irreconcilably, incorrigibly infected with hope, and you will see things beyond your most impractical dreams.

Medical Bandage Vector

I see it everyday.  Clients come to me with their various diagnoses and labels that have been put on their symptoms.  It is so important to remember that it's only a label.  It's not you, you don't have to own it, and you don't have to claim it to be part of your life.  You see, we are more than a physical body. Each of us is made up of a mental body, an emotional body, a spiritual body and a physical body.  When dis-ease shows up, the majority of the time, it is our emotional body that is out of whack.  Long-held emotion causes disease.  So, when some dis-ease shows up for you, thank it.  It has come to bring awareness to your conscious mind that something you are doing is not good for your body.  Let's start with the physical body today.  This seems to be the easiest for people to wrap their head around.  It was for me, anyway.  It takes an acidic body for disease to set in.  It is a scientific proven fact that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline body.  Neither can arthritis.  An alkaline body is a body that can repair itself.  So, lets take a look at the top 4 things that contribute to an acid environment in the body. 

#1.  Smoking
#2.  High Fructose Corn Syrup
#3.  Caffeine
#4.  Refined Sugars  (fake sugars "diet" are even worse)

Now, here are some facts that will scare you into giving up these acid forming substances:
High Fructose Corn Syrup put a slimy film around the cells in your body.  This film makes it so that the cells cannot uptake nutrients.
Caffeine consumption drops your adrenal function by 50% for 3 days!  If you are going to attempt to give up this habit and are worried about headaches, try switching to the Green Tea form of caffeine in the meantime.  The body can handle plant based caffeine a little better.
For every teaspoon of sugar consumed, your immune function drops by 85% for the next 24 hours.  If you or you little one keep getting ill, evaluate how much sugar is being consumed.
If you drank just one can of diet soda everyday for 3 years, your chance of breast cancer increases by 78% and it makes you feel hungier.  The artificial sweeteners in diet soda messes up the receptors in the brain that tell you when you feel hungry and full.  So obviously, this messes up your appetite.

When a sweet craving hits, try this alkaline treat.  It really hits the spot!  Tastes so naturally sweet, you will never believe that is doesn't have any sugar in it.

Almost Fudge
1 cup raisins
1 cup walnuts
Juice from 1/2 fresh lemon
6-7 Mejool Dates
First, get your dates soaking.  Place dates in shallow dish and cover with water.  While dates are soaking, place raisins and walnuts in a food processor.  Turn on low and let the two ingredients mix together, until a fudgey ball forms.  Remove and place on a smaller size plate.  Pat down and form into 1 inch thick, circular shaped "fudge".  Now, without even rinsing out the food processor, drain off excess water from the dates and put dates in the food processor, along with the lemon juice.  Blend until pretty smooth.  This makes your "frosting".  Use a rubber spatula to smooth the date mixture over the fudge.  I like to cut the dessert into little pie-shaped pieces for a yummy treat!
The most alkalinizing food there is?  Lemon.  Pushing a tough second is watermelon.  For a complete list of all the alkaline foods, search the web for "Alkaline Diet" and an entire list will come up for you.  It's a big change that creates big results in optimal health!

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