Sunday, February 3, 2013


You wouldn't believe how many amazing things happened right before the person trying them was about to give up entirely.  Really. Some of the most amazing things ever!

Commit to 128 days.  Whatever the change is that you are making, commit to 128 days.  It might be your decision to go off of sugar, to exercise daily, to take a new supplement, get enoough sleep, think more positively or drink more clean water.  You see, our body goes through a cell recycling process that takes a full 128 days to complete.  After the first 10 days of cleaning up your diet, or implementing your new change, your blood has made all new cells.  Now your new, cleaner, stronger blood can begin traveling to the various organs and tissues and begin regenerating and repairing those organs. 

So don't give up at the 2 week mark and think what you are doing is not making any difference.  Give your body a little time.  Dig a little deeper, keep going, and watch your efforts begin to pay off.  I was able to learn this first hand as I began taking a new supplement called Laminine.  It is a full chain of amino acids in their perfect form.  Amino acids have the ability to rebuild or repair anything in the body.  I wanted immediate results.  Changes did start to happen within the first two weeks, but the biggest payoff came after I had been taking it for the minimum of 128 days.  The same thing happens with exercise.  I notice the biggest changes in the way by body looks and feels after I have been faithfully exercising for a few months.

What were your New Year's resolutions?  Have you stuck with them, or did you give up by January 11th?  Our body is the greatest miracle ever given to us.  Be patient.  Keep working to take good care of it.  It takes a conscious effort to do so.  The payoff is worth it!

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