Monday, May 6, 2013


Sacred is discovering what you believe and then believing what you discover.

The number one foundation for health is prayer.  I have always been amazed that God hears and cares about the smallest detail of my life.  I suppose it shouldn't be surprising.  He is my Father, and I should have access to open communication with Him.  I think it comes down to simply trusting and believing.  Some people must be brought to the end of their rope to understand it.   Some stay in touch with God all day long, seven days a week. 

I know that God can be counted on in every situation and with every need.  It's just as real as asking the best daddy in the world for something you already know he is going to do for you.  Prayer is that simple.  Not only is prayer good for the soul, it's good for the physical body as well.  Even science backs up the power of prayer.

Study#1    For 6 months, patients in San Fransisco's General Hospital Coronary Care Unit participated in a double blind study to assess the therapeutic affects of prayer.  Patients were randomly selected by a computer to either receive, or not to receive prayer.  All patients and caregivers remained blind through the study.  The results of the study are not surprising to those who believe in the power of prayer.  The patients who received prayer as part of the study were healthier than those who did not.  It was recorded that the patients receiving prayer had less need of having CPR, and less need for the use of ventilators.  They had diminished need for diuretics and antibiotics, less occurrence of pulmonary edema, and fewer deaths.

Study #2   A study at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina had over 4,000 participants over the age of 65.  The study found that those who participate in prayer and attend religious services on a weekly basis, had lower blood pressure than their counterparts.  According to the study, these people were 40% less likely to have high diastolic pressure or diastolic hypertension that those who did not pray or go to church.

Study #3   A study done at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College in Richmond, Virginia studied 1.902 twins.  It was found that those who were committed to their spiritual lives tended to have lower risk of addictions and less severe depression.  Their marriages were more stable, and their spiritual communities form a network that can support people when they are ill. 

These studies have shown conclusive evidence of the power of prayer and demonstrate the reality of the force of God and our ability to communicate with Him.  Prayer is real, and it works.

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