Potential is nice. Talent is wonderful. But so few of us ever use what we have. You can make a big impact that's better than nice and bigger than wonderful. You can be incredible.
As they headed for school this morning, I sent each of my children out the door with an
"I love you! Be incredible today! "
Every person on this earth, myself included was born into this world extremely confident. We came here knowing how wonderful we are. We weren't afraid to ask for what we wanted, or express our emotions, and loved every part of our body. We knew we were unique and wonderful. Somewhere along the way, the well-meaning adults in our lives passed on their own insecure feelings of inadequacey and fear. At that point, we began to deny our own magnificence.
Today, every time you walk past a mirror, look yourself straight in the eye and make a positive declaration about yourself. Say, "I love you, and I accept you exactly as you are" or "Thank you for being so wonderful!". Won't that be fun? It's a little tough at first because we are not used to saying anything nice about ourself when we look in the mirror. But, let your own ears hear how loved you are.
So many of the health problems that my clients face stem from long-held emotional feelings of not being lovable, or feeling the need to punish themselves. They have believed some of the negative things that they heard as children. It's pretty tough to act, talk, heal and be incredible when we are experiencing negative thougths about ourselves. So, remember.....they are just thoughts, and thoughts can be changed.
So here's the deal. I am not asking my children to become incredible. I am just reminding them to be who they already are. Simply incredible!
So here's the deal. I am not asking my children to become incredible. I am just reminding them to be who they already are. Simply incredible!